Echoing Mbeme’s 1 call for new strategies for relearning how to share the planet among humans, but also between humans and nonhumans, and taking inspiration from de Certeau creative resistance enacted in everyday practices against repressive structures of Modernity, our planetary tactics aim to rebuild intersectional solidarites between humans and with their other-than-human comrades using critical creative methods crossing design, political and climate activism, art and critical urban research. 

Tactics refers to both actions and to arrangements. That is, both creative practices of resistance but also the spatial arrangements of, in our case, riparian communities which co-make the planet. For us, tactics are enacted by collectives engaged in specific ecological struggles over the more-than-human assembling of urban sites such as around subterranuem rivers Sao Paulo, mangrove ecologies at the edge of Jakarta and water infrastructures in Berlin. 

Our work weaves new and existing tactics (actions and arrangements) together through a new social infrastructure in order to make planetary spaces of resistance and solidarity embedded in situated struggles for riparian justice. So far some of our tactics include:

  1. Mbembe, Achille. Out of the dark night: Essays on decolonization. Columbia University Press, 2019. ↩︎